Work With Me

Readings and Other Services

Why Work With Me?

With any of the 1-1 services, I dive deep into you. I will shine a light on your innate hidden talents and where you are blocked. I will interpret and help give clarity to the energies and situations around you. I will look into the possibilities and potential of what lies before you to help you and empower you to take action so you can reclaim your power and truly live and create your authentic life.

Because in the end, you decide your future. The way it was always meant to be.

30 Years Experience

Personal Attention


Life-Changing Results

No matter where you are in the world, if you have access to a high-resolution camera (most new phones are HD) then I can read your hands. Whether you live locally but would prefer to stay in the comfort of your own home, or you are on the other side of the globe, through the wonders of technology I can work with you.

I am also available for face-to-face readings in the Butler area of Perth, Western Australia.

All readings and healings are by appointment only.

Contact me to book a time and day for your reading. Although I prefer to use Zoom, I have many other modalities available to suit your needs. It is up to you whether you would rather a voice or video call.

Personal Reading

My most popular readings are a combination of Palmistry, Tarot and Psychic work.
Each reading is a deep look into you and any questions you may have. It will be a personal and unique experience depending on what need in the moment.


Your psychic, tarot, and palm reading may include but is not limited to:

  • Who you are. How well do you know what makes you, you?
  • Where you are going. Is your path clear or are you lost?
  • What is influencing you at the moment. What is impacting on you?
  • Your talents and strengths. Are you tapped into your true power or have you forgotten your passions?
  • Your blocks and your obstacles. How can you clear your path? Are you in your own way?
  • Potential and possibilities. How does the path before you look? Are there direction changes?
  • How will you manoeuvre through these times? How can you take back your power?
  • Health and wellbeing. What health signs are in your hand? What do you need to look out for? How do you better need to support yourself?

Your palm reading is complimented by a tarot reading. While palmistry is deeply personal it is not good for the fine details of what is happening in your day to day life. I use the cards to get further insight on subjects outside of yourself that are currently influencing and impacting upon you. Empowering you to take the course of action that serves you and your life.

All the while I work intuitively with the energies to ensure every reading serves you the most in the moment.

$150/Hour AUD

Soul Discovery Session

A Soul discovery session is a deep look into everything that makes you, you. I peel back the layers to find the answers to some of your biggest questions around your soul’s path and your soul’s purpose.


By combining a little-known technique called Divinity Astrology and blending it with your Human Design, I use my innate intuitive gifts to peel back the layers to reveal your incarnated path and purpose through this life.

This method also allows me to find your divine team. These are the archetypes and energies that will most support and empower you on your life’s journey.

Presented as a 2-part private session, this experience is deeply personal and delivered orally with some charts.

The first part is a 30 minute voice or video call where I connect to you and gather your birth information (date, time, and place). I will also dive deep into your culture, ancestry and personal beliefs to ensure all the information I present is relevant and aligns with you.

The reveal session lasts from 90 – 120 minutes and can be held either face-to-face or via Zoom.

At the end of your session, you will receive

  • Your Personalised Human Design Report
  • Copies of the Astrology Charts, highlighting the aspects we cover.
  • A recording of the 90- 120 minute reveal session, to go over at your leisure.

Personalised Guided Shamanic Journeys and Guided Meditations

Do you journey or meditate better with a guiding voice but cannot find what you are looking for in the style you want it?

My personalised Guided Shamanic Journeys or Guided Meditations are woven just for you, to help you achieve your desired result.

Whether that be for healing, relaxation, connecting to the power within you or working with a specific energy or divine archetype

This 2 offering consists of 2 parts, both conducted over Zoom.


In the first call, we will talk and you tell me what it is you are looking for from your personalised guided journey or guided meditation. You can tell me the style, the purpose and the energies you want to work with.

I will then connect to the energies and weave together the journey for you, as you want it. This will include the kind of deepening exercises you wish. Whether hypnotic, meditative or embodied, that will be your choice.

Then it will be your choice whether you would like to conduct the journey live, via a zoom call or whether you would like me to simply record it and send it to you. Either way, you will be presented with a powerful recording for you to journey with again and again at your leisure.

Your finalised journey will be presented as audio, and you will have a choice whether you want music or drumming added. The choice is yours. As this is your journey.

At the end of your session, you will receive

  • A recorded version of your guided meditation or shamanic journey that is yours to keep.

Soul Retrieval & Power Retrieval

Do you feel like you are scattered?
Or there feels like there are pieces of you missing?
Does your mind and soul feel drawn thin?

Then you may need to retrieve your soul and recover the lost and missing pieces of yourself and your power.

A soul retrieval with me is a specialised session that can be held in person or via zoom. I use a specially prepared Soul Crystal that you will be gifted at the end of your retrieval or will be posted to you, if done via Zoom.

In this experience, I will go looking for the missing pieces of you and return to you what has been lost so you can feel whole and stand in your full power once more.



In modern life many things can cause us to lose pieces of ourselves. Tragedy and trauma will steal big pieces of us. Those moments where we had to fracture ourselves and disassociate in order to survive the moment.

Soul loss can happen for far more than just trauma. We can lose pieces of ourselves to our parents, our partners, our children, our friends and our jobs. We can give pieces of ourselves away to others because we want to help them. Or pieces can be taken from us as a way to control us and keep us close. Sometimes the fragments are even lost to past lives.

If done in person, I will make you comfortable while I connect to you through ritual and journey to retrieve the lost pieces of you.

If done remotely via Zoom, I will guide you through a meditation and journey to meet you in a sacred place (of your design) in the spirit realm.

While you stay connected to your guides, your ancestors and your body, I will journey and battle to retrieve the lost and missing pieces of you.

Because the soul can return home more easily when someone else deems it important enough to fight for it.

At the end of your session, you will receive

  • A wire-wrapped (by me) double-terminated clear quartz soul crystal, especially prepared for you to wear and keep.

Priestess in my Pocket – Personal Mentorship / Soul Purpose Coaching

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What is my Purpose?
How do I live my purpose?
How do I change my life and live in alignment with soul?

Many people feel the calling but often have become so lost along the way they have become disconnected from who they are. Yet, even if they know who they are, they can struggle to live a life in alignment with that purpose.


Soul purpose coaching is a chance to work deeply with me in a one on ones setting over a number of weeks to help you put in place the changes, mental and emotional shifts and create the daily rituals to help you live in that alignment and awaken your path and your power to its fullest. 

Each program is created to fit your unique, individual needs and to align with your soul path. Every talent and skill I have is at your disposal as I serve you to your highest good. I will weave personal journeys for you, working with your guides, ancestral power and divine team.

Engagements last from 5 -13 weeks, depending on your need. Each week will contain a 2 hour 1 on 1 session with me, for your deepest and most profound transformation and soul aligned healing.

Message Me for Availability